Dronfield Junior School

Dronfield Junior School
Reaching Potential

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

"Be who you are

Say what you feel

Because those who mind don't matter

And those who matter, don't mind."

Dr Seuss

Our Relationships and Sex Education Lead is Mrs E Genders.

Relationships and Sex Education Intent

Through our curriculum, our school environment, our school ethos and planned visits and visitors, we promote pupils’ self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and help them to form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and for others, at home, at school, at work and in the community.

We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In so doing we help develop their sense of self-worth. We teach them how to keep themselves safe and educate them about making safe and healthy choices. We help them to achieve good emotional wellbeing. 

The aims and objectives of RSE education are to enable the children to:

  • understand what healthy relationships look like
  • understand what makes for good relationships with others 
  • have respect for others regardless of race, gender and mental and physical disability
  • develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal issues
  • develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community
  • to encourage a caring attitude towards each other 
  • to help our pupils understand and manage their feelings

Relationships and Sex Education Implementation

RSE is taught within PSHE as well as in a block of lessons and also through our projects (our key questions and concepts). RSE in our school is taught through delivery of the Derbyshire PSHE Matters scheme of work, alongside activities to support healthy relationships and sex education.

Medium term planning has been designed by the subject leader and class teachers to ensure continuity and progression across Key Stage 2. Age appropriate Relationships and Sex Education lessons are planned and delivered in line with the teaching and learning policy and children will be given opportunities to apply knowledge and skills across the curriculum and in real life situations. 

Relationships and Sex Education Impact

We monitor our curriculum impact by observing whole school life (e.g. how is the relationships curriculum reflected in playtime behaviour, do our children demonstrate good strategies for self regulation and good mental health?)

Behaviour incidents logged are monitored and are feedback to class teachers if patterns are spotted so they can be acted upon during PSHE and RSE lessons.

Relationships and Sex Education progression map

Relationship and Sex Education overview linked to PSHE Matters

Relationships and Sex Education Policy


Click here to see the vocabulary we will use during our Relationships and Sex Education lessons.